Iemūžiniet emocijas, kuras, laikam ejot, varēsiet sajust atkal un atkal.

Izvēloties mūs, esi pārliecināts par profesionālu kāzu video operatora darbu un ētiku, sākot ar neuzkrītošu video operatora darbu, spēju paredzēt kāzu īpašos brīžus un beidzot ar mijiedarbību ar fotografu, lai uzturētu viens otram produktīvu darba vidi. Yellow video labi apzinās cik kāzu diena ir īpaša un emocijām bagāta un tajā nav vietas bažām par sajūtu iemūžināšanu, mēs par to parūpēsimies ar pilnu atbildību.


Bali is a palce full of things to experience - ancient architecture, beautiful beaches and amazing nature. Whether you have limited time or love the wind in your hair, there is a way to see it all. A scooter will definitely become one of your best friends during your stay in the picturesque Bali.


Bali is located between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, meaning there are plenty of waves to be conquered by the brave ones. Surfing, scuba-diving, relaxing on a yacht - you name it! Tons of water-sports await the people who are interested in an active leisure time by the sea.


There's a reason Bali is on the bucket list of many. Bali's central mountains include several peaks over 2,000 metres and active volcanoes for lovers of heights. The island is full of beautiful beaches, which are surrounded by the coral reefs as well as rich forests. If you are in search of breathtaking views - you got it!


Have you ever given a fist bump to a monkey? If not, it is time to do it - there is plenty of friendly monkeys ready to socialize for a treat. Bali is full of amazing wildlife, which can be explored by people in love with nature.


If you want to choose active activities to make your holiday memorable, we can help you with that. Contact us to organise your trip.




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